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key laboratories introduction
research laboratory of high voltage
research laboratory of composite materials
research laboratory of polymer materials
research laboratory of structural mechanics
intellectual property department

on august 24, 2014, national energy administration approved shemar electric to establish “key laboratories of national energy power composite” (hereinafter referred to as key laboratories), including six segmented research fields such as high voltage insulation, polymer materials, composite materials, structural mechanics and metal materials, etc.. it has various test platforms such as material laboratory for r&d of composite insulators, electrical performance test platform, mechanical performance test platform, and sealing performance test platform. the key laboratories have complete equipment, including 32 pieces of equipment such as uv aging test chamber, infrared spectrometer, smart rotor-free vulcameter, and differential scanning calorimeter, etc.; 16 pieces of equipment such as 1500kv power frequency test transformer, 4800kv impulse voltage generator, and rain test device, etc.; 18 pieces of equipment such as tension tester, impact testing machine, bending and torsion testing machine, and brittleness test machine, etc.; and 15 pieces of equipment such as sf6 gas leak detector, sf6 gas recovery, purification, charging and discharging device, and test sealing device, etc..




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