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the company’s middle and high level management team visits huawei and learnt from the experience

release time:2014-06-15 publisher:

on may 23, the chairman and president ma bin led the company’s middle and high level management personnel to visit huawei, and sales director tang jun of huawei business department received the company’s management team, who led everyone to visit the exhibition hall of technological innovation of huawei and organized the core personnel participating in r&d management of process change department and the company’s management team to communicate the experience and practice of integrated product development(ipd).

huawei is the pride of private enterprises in china, and its management mode (huawei mode) is popular with private enterprises, behind which ibm consulting has given large support. in 2012, senior vice president ding shaohua of huawei responsible foru.s.market said, “there is no today’s huawei without ibm.”

shemar electric is an enterprise engaged in r&d and manufacture of transmission and distribution seals and composite insulators, which continuously provides solution through the independent innovation around existing problems and sustainable development of power industry. with the vision of “becoming the most innovative integrated service provider of new-material power equipment”, shemar has adhered to the objective of becoming “huawei” in the power industry. in 2009, the company started to cooperate with ibm consulting. through project cooperation, ibm assisted shemar with untangling of business framework, and successful launching of sap system management software. under the coordination of ibm consultant this time, the company organized middle and high level management personnel to visit huawei, with the purpose of learning from advanced management mode and experience of huawei in r&d, process change and marketing module.

in this visit, huawei made a strong impression on us, mainly reflected in two points below:


the corporate technological innovation should be market-oriented. the prerequisite for ensuring the success in the technological innovation is market and user demand-oriented, which is starting point and destination of the technological innovation. whether the technological innovation can be successfully realized is closely related to correct judgment of the user’s potential demand. there is no vitality if there is no new technology needed by the society. ipd (integrated product development system) built by huawei first focuses on market and r&d. this is the first feeling during the trip to huawei. looking back on the development course of shemar, it is the process of market-oriented technological innovation with enterprise as the main body. from the development of acrylic seals, to power station composite insulators, to new maintenance-free composite cross-arm tower and then to composite tube bus successfully developed at present, the r&d of these products are based on market demand. the company carries out r&d of the new product each time through full market research and full communications with experts and professors, to find out problematic products in the market, and determine r&d direction through the introduction of problem, which is the reason why the company successfully develops the new product each time.


the core value of huawei: “customer-oriented and struggler-oriented, stick to hard working”. what is struggle? any small activity of creating value for customers, and the effort made in the labor preparations to enrich and improve anyone are called struggle. the purpose of the corporate development is to win customers’ trust with competitiveness, and survive in the market. in order to serve customers well, excellent employees should be selected. these excellent employees should have global views, able to struggle for the company, and realize strategic vision in the future. shemar takes “the value creation is the most critical” as the corporate core values, advocates all shemar people to play the subjective role and consciously strive around the company’s operation objective, to create value for the enterprise at the same time of realizing individual values. correspondingly, the enterprise provides the platform for creating greater value for all shemar people during continuous expansion process. both are complementary and promoting the corporate development.

the visit to huawei this time is to learn from huawei in the management innovation method, and carry out some appropriate improvements with combination of actual situation of shemar, to further perfect the corporate management mode, and promote the corporate management level, thus to better serve our customers. the solution for providing products with higher cost performance and more satisfying the market demand for customers through process optimization, system analysis and innovation of corporate management mode, thus to increase the ability to continuously create value for customers.


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