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shemar's anti-flashover solution work for indian power grid

release time:2020-04-03 publisher:shemar

india jhatikara765/400kv substation install shemar's anti-flashover solution,successful operation in november 2019

air pollution in india

on february 25, 2020, the 2019 world air quality report released by iqair pointed out that 21 of the 30 most polluted cities in the world are located in india, 6 cities of india are in the top 10 serious pollution cities in the world. india has once again become the world's worst air quality city.

new delhi ranks fifth in india, in terms of environmental pollution, second only to ghaziabad, the capital of uttar pradesh. in 2019, the average concentration of pm2.5 in new delhi is close to 100 μ g / m3, which is nearly 9 times of the health level considered by the u.s. environmental protection agency. in november, the air quality index (aqi) in parts of new delhi exceeded 800, more than three times the "dangerous" level.

in recent years, modi's government has launched the "made in india" plan, proposing to help india transfer into a new "global manufacturing center". with the rapid development of manufacturing industry, oil refineries, leather tanneries and other heavy polluting enterprises, environmental pollution control in india is facing greater challenges. as a large population, india is one of the largest consumers of coal for power generation. nearly 67% of indians burn biomass such as cow dung and wood as fuel, most of urban traffic depends on highly polluting vehicles and the vehicle emissions are not limited. a combination of factors has led india to almost dominate the world air pollution rankings.

difficulties in preventing pollution flashover in india

the challenge citizens' health in india is not just muti pollutant. due to the rapid accumulation of pollution on the external insulation surface of power station electrical equipment, pollution flashover will occur in rainy and humid weather.

india jhatikara 765 / 400kv substation is located in the southwest of delhi, india. built on september 30, 2012,it is the first 765kv substation in delhi and the first 765kv substation with a capacity of 6000mva in india. serious environmental pollution requires that the substaion must take effective anti-flashover measures to ensure the normal supply of industrial and domestic electricity.therefore, various anti-flashover measures have been tried in substation:

in 2016, a serious flashover accident (mainly caused by fog) occurred in jhatikara substation, which caused a large area power outage in ncr area of delhi.

how to prevent pollution flashover effectively has become a long-standing problem for indian power grid!

india power grid seizes "life-saving straw"

in march 2018, shemar anti-flashover solution appeared at elecrama2018 in india. during the exhibition, state grid of india realied that shemar's anti-flashover solution can effectively prevent flashover. the solution adopts the structure of "full covered shed lap strap", and its main body and lap strap are made of htv. it can be completely wrapped outside the large shed of porcelain insulator. htv has the characteristics of hydrophobic and hydrophobic mobility, and increase the physical creepage distance, it can effectively solve the problems of pollution flashover, rain flashover, ice flashover and other problems existing in the external insulation of power system , and promise maintenance free within 30 years. at the exhibition site,  state grid of india made an appointment with the company for the follow-up large-scale technical exchange meeting.

s.k.r.mohapatra, chief engineer of cea, and ma bin, chairman of shemar were on the exhibition site

in may 2018, shemar was invited to hold a special technical exchange meeting with the operation and maintenance, technology, engineering and quality inspection teams of state grid of india headquarters. after the meeting, ms. seema gupta, operation and maintenance director of state grid of india, highly affirmed the value of shemar solution. after learning that shemar has been piloting in the southern region of india in 2017, ms.seema gupta said that she should refer to the pilot effect in the south and the application environment of the current substation to rapidly promote shemar anti-flashover solution in india.

in october, the head office of state grid of india, together with the operation and maintenance, technology and quality inspection departments of nr1 region, formed a review committee to conduct a field investigation on the anti-flashover solution of shemar in vizg 400kv substation in south india. after the investigation, the committee highly appraised the effect and technical advantages of shemar's anti-flashover solution.

india vizagapatnam 400kv hvdc substation

on july 15, 2019, shemar and state grid of india officially signed the installation contract of anti-flashover solution for jhatikara substation.

guide field installation

on november 4, 2019, shemar engineering service department conducted detailed installation guidance training for relevant construction personnel of state grid of india.

on november 6, shemar operation and maintenance service department led indian power station construction personnel to enter the site for formal installation. in the process of project installation, the personnel of shemar engineering service department gave detailed guidance to indian workers to ensure that each worker can meet the requirements of independent installation. compared with the huge workload in the operation and maintenance process of porcelain insulator, shemar's anti flashover solution is installed once, maintenance free for 30 years.

shemar anti-flashover solution escort jhatikara power station

in 2019, delhi suffered the most serious environmental pollution in recent years. the haze since november has lasted for nearly three months, and the pollution index exceeded 999 at the peak, the government has imposed travel restrictions to alleviate pollution. during this period, shemar paid a return visit to jhatikara substation, mr. kumar, the station master, told us that since the end of november, because of the haze, many power stations occur flashover due to pollution, resulting in many blackouts. jhatikara substation has been in stable operation. after the installation of shemar's anti-flashover solution, the performance of shemar-anti flashover solution is excellent, no flashover accident occurs, and the power consumption in delhi area is well guaranteed. mr.kumar expressed his appreciation for the excellent performance of shemar products, and offered to help shemar actively promote anti-flashover solutions in other regions of india to ensure the safety of electricity use in india.


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