the conference of the construction and operation & maintenance of the composite cross-arm tower of uhv ac transmission project was held in rugao
release time:2017-05-10 publisher:eric zhuon may 5, 2017, the ac construction ministry of state grid held the conference of the construction and operation & maintenance of the composite cross-arm tower of uhv ac transmission project in rugao, a delegation of officials and experts from the ac construction ministry and the operation & maintenance ministry of state grid, china electric power research institute, economic research institute of state grid, ningxia, xinjiang, shandong, mengdong electric power company of state grid, ac transmission company of state grid, north west electric power design institute, jiangsu electric power design institute together with some leaders from shandong, henan transmission and distribution company, weifang changan tower company, anhui hongyuan tower company andjiangsu shemar electric company attended the conference.
the conference focused on some main aspects of the composite cross-arm tower of uhv ac transmission project, like the latest research results, product features, trial runs, operation and maintenance. according to these agenda items, shemar introduced the features of composite cross-arm tower, the process of manufacturing, the results of trial runs and requirements on operation and maintenance. after the introduction, some leaders and experts present had heated discussion on the main aspects above and all of them thought the necessity and timeliness of today’s conference and reached a consensus that with the obvious technical benefits, economic benefits and social benefits, the application of composite cross-arm tower can increase the competition among uhv ac transmission project.
lizheng, the vice president of china electric power research institute said, the composite cross-arm tower has obvious advantages and benefits on the project results in its integrated innovation and interdisciplinary-oriented innovation. he called for all units to promote the technology, composite products and technical system, which lays a solid foundation for the large-scale application of the construction of composite cross-arm tower.
wangcheng, the deputy director of ac construction ministry of state grid pointed out, the composite cross-arm tower research results, trial runs and application results were affirmed by state grid, especially its technical, social and economic benefits. for this innovative achievement, all project units should clear up uncertainties and proceed with confidence.
before starting the conference, shemar tops and sales accompanied with the experts and leaders visiting shemar electric rugao industrial park and key laboratories of national energy power composite.
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